Monday, December 7, 2009

Say good bye to debt and say hello to Christmas.

Christmas used to be my most enjoyable time of year as a kid.  I now realize that was because as a child you do not have the stress of worrying about purchasing all the gifts and for whom to purchase and then what to purchase.

My mother starts 6 months ahead of time and asks me daily what I want.  Telling her nothing does not stop her and even stating something I obviously know she will NOT purchase cannot cease the questions Or the unasked advice on what I should buy my sister, brother the nieces and nephews etc.

I decided a few years ago to spoil my family and friends on THEIR actual birthday rather than having all this stress during Christmas and focus more on the Joy of having a bon fire with friends, drinking egg nog or hot chocolate listening to music while we dance around the fire thankful for making it through another year and singing birthday wishes to the real reason we have the season.

But then a few weeks right before December 25 gets here I get that dang bug and I go out and overextend myself for the kiddies and family.   What I will never understand though is how deep in depth the whole world will go during this time of year.

I refuse to do it this year... I am saying good bye to Christmas debt.

Sasha Hartzog